I hope that you will appreciate that fact that we will just go ahead and put the Royal Couple a rest for now. I can assure you of that! Let's leave them alone and enjoy their new life as married people. I wish them all the best! It is estimated that around 2 billion people watched that real life fairytale ending. Now, I love to dream. I want to share this beautiful quote from Ms. Charlene Gonzalez, Ms. Universe 1994, from my home country, Philippines: "I stopped wishing a long time ago...All I do is dream because when you dream you live life with no expectations, and when you dream that's what motivates you and inspires you to become a better person." This message is so poignant to me. It stirs and wake up some dormant dreams that I kind of ignored as of late.

Now, for a change of topic here's some good laugh that President Obama has prepared against Donald Trump regarding the issues about him not being a real american citizen, no real birth certificate and things like that. I find it funny and it puts Trump a laughing stock in that huge crowd laughing at the president's jokes. Good job, Barack!
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